IEC 61631 Ed. 2.0 b

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Test method for the mechanical strength of cores made of magnetic oxides

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IEC 05/07/2020 32
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IEC 61631 Ed. 2.0 b – Test method for the mechanical strength of cores made of magnetic oxides

IEC 61631:2020 specifies a test method for the mechanical strength of cores made of magnetic oxides. This test method is suitable for most of the E-cores, ETD-cores, I-cores and ring-cores but other core types such as U-cores could be tested according to a derived method agreed by the parties concerned. This document is also applicable to the mechanical strength measurement of magnetic powder cores. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
– the phrase: “This document is also applicable to the mechanical strength measurement of magnetic powder cores” has been added in the scope;
– IEC 61246 has been replaced by IEC 63093-8; EN 1002-2 has been replaced by ISO 7500-1; ISO 4677-1 and ISO 4677-2 have been withdrawn;
– dimensions D and F in Figure A.1 and Table A.1 have been changed to be consistent with Figure 1 of IEC 63093-8:2018;
– addition of the content of ring-cores test;
– addition of Annex B;
– the location of the jig is amended in Figure 3;
– in Figure 5, the roller bars are moved to the edge of the I-core, aligned with the core.

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